Eastwood, Dual Voltage, Powder Coating Gun

Size: Powder Coating Gun Starter with Kit and Transformer
Sale price$545.00

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Eastwood Dual Voltage Powder Coating Gun & Starter Kit (inc 240-110 volt transformer)


Eastwood Dual Voltage Powder Coating Gun only (incl 110 - 240 volt transformer) No starter kit


Dual-Voltage Hot Coat Powder-Coating Gun gives you the most complete coverage from tight areas to large surfaces.

Extremely durable finish
Coat and cure in under an hour!
Easy to apply
Quick colour changes
Versatility with 2 settings
Low 15,000-volt setting
High 25,000-volt setting for multi-coat coverage over larger areas
Increased powder adhesion
Minimal over spray

This innovative system will allow you to achieve the benefits of powder coating small parts instead of coating them with paint. The new Dual Voltage system gives you the capability to coat small areas using the Low 15kv setting. Or coat large areas using the High voltage setting 25kv.

All you need is a compressed air source (5-10 PSI from a portable tank with a regulator or a compressor) and a heat source 200 Deg C. (Electric oven or toaster oven).

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