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277 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 277 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 277 products
 PPC Co for the range of Eastwood 2K aero-sprays2K Epoxy Primer Grey. PPC Co
Eastwood 2K Aerosols
Sale price$70.00
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Blast Nozzles  PPC Co Australia
Activator for Ceramic Paint
Autosol Metal Polish, cleans, polishes, protects, stainless steel, chrome, brass, copper, aluminium, nickel. Motor bikes, Trucks, 4 WD PPC Co AustraliaAutosol 1 kilo  PPC Co Australia
Autosol Autosol (made in Germany)
Sale priceFrom $15.00
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Bilt Hamber 63mm - Hand Pump -30ml
Bilt Hamber 63mm Hand Pump - 10ml
Bilt Hamber - Atom-Mac migratory and contact corrosion inhibitor.  Protect vehicle undersides, water collecting voids, braking, surface, suspension, bicycles, garden equipment and machinery. PPC Co AustraliaBilt Hamber Auto-Mac demonstration
Bilt Hamber Auto Foam - High Activity Snow Foam, pressure wash your vehicle paintwork and a gently cleaning solution.  Road grime is neutralised and lifted from the paintwork. PPC Co AustraliaBilt Hamber Snow Foam demonstration
Bilt Hamber Auto Wash highly concentrated, vehicle shampoo, 2 teaspoons to 9 litres is sufficient to clean your car.  60 washes from 1 bottle of Auto-Wash. PPC Co AustraliaBilt Hamber Auto Wash demonstration
Bilt Hamber Auto-Wheel, non-acid, non-alkaline allow wheel cleaner from PPC Co AustraliaBilt Hamber Auto Wheel
Bilt Hamber Auto Balm, not a cutting polish, a long lasting high gloss finish providing excellent protection. For Chrome, aluminium and alloys. PPC Co AustraliaBilt Hamber Auto-Balm Polish Kit
Bilt Hamber Cleanser-Fluid
Bilt Hamber Cleanser-Polish gloss enhancing and Paint refiner from PPC Co AustraliaBilt Hamber Cleanser-Polish
Bilt Hamber Deox-C concentrated rust remover 1 litre, mix in a back 19 litres to 1 kilo, soak all rusted items to original metal finish. PPC Co AustraliaBilt Hamber Deox-C Concentrated Rust Remover Mix 5 kilos to an 80 litre bath, to remove all rust to original metal finish
Bilt Hamber Bilt Hamber Deox C
Sale priceFrom $67.00
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Bilt Hamber Deox-Gel gelled rust remover, for panels too big to place in a bath 1 kilo to 2 square metres. PPC Co AustraliaBilt Hamber Deox-Gel gelled rust remover, 5 kilo will cover panels up to 10 square metres
Bilt Hamber Bilt Hamber Deox C
Sale priceFrom $51.00
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Bilt Hamber Double speed-wax carnauba polymer paste wax . PPC Co AustraliaBilt Hamber Double Speed Wax
Bilt Hamber Dynax S50 protects against corrosion in hard to reach places, creeps into seams and welded flanges. PPC Co AustraliaBilt Hamber Dynax S50 and other Bilt Hamber products
Bilt Hamber Dynax-UB Underbody sealer, anti-corrosive heavy duty wax. Good for internal salt exposure, will crack or peel. Dark Brown in colour. PPC Co AustraliaBilt Hamber Dynax-UB firm film anti-corrosion wax - 5 litres
Bilt Hamber Bilt Hamber Dynax UB
Sale priceFrom $67.00
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Bilt Hamber Dynax-UC Clear film anti-corrosion wax 750ml. PPC Co AustraliaBilt Hamber Dynax-UC 5000ml Clear Cavity Wax
Bilt Hamber Bilt Hamber Dynax UC
Sale priceFrom $67.00
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Bilt Hamber Ferrosol. PPC Co Australia
Bilt Hamber Finis WaxBilt Hamber Finis Wax
Bilt Hamber Hydra WaxBilt Hamber Hydra Wax
Bilt Hamber KorrosolBilt Hamber Korrosol
Bilt Hamber Bilt Hamber Korrosol
Sale priceFrom $49.00
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